Friday, May 25, 2018


Hello, everybody!

I am Doc Sammy, and this is my blog!

I'm just some hopelessly geeky hillbilly who is a major fan of anime, video games, history, fan fiction, and especially role-playing games.

I am very active on the website RPG Pub and I am also on The RPG Site, as well as the Original D&D ProBoards site (my username there is darien) and on Onyx Path Forums (my username there is Camilla) and I am heading out onto other RPG websites as well.

I am an aspiring RPG creator, a novice Game Master who just started running his own campaigns, and a HUGE fan of old-school role-playing games and the OSR movement in general.

I will mostly be discussing RPG's I like and ideas I have for gaming on this blog.

My Favorite RPG's: Dungeons & Dragons, Vampire: The Masquerade, Big Eyes Small Mouth, Sailor Moon Role-Playing Game and Resource Book, Pathfinder, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Boot Hill, GURPS, New World of Darkness


  1. Hehe, Tuxedo Mask is like Batman only with *style*! ;)

    Best of luck with your blogging.

    1. Thank you for your comment! I hope you'll enjoy my blog!
